Monday, February 4, 2013

Reusing the Doctor Gown!

Is this taking it too far?! I just went for an annual check up with the physician, and I knew in advance that they would give me a disposable gown to put on. A couple of years ago, when this happened, I kept the gown, and stored it in a drawer in my dresser. Then, before going to the doctors, I bring it out and take it with me!

Will it change the world? I don't know. Does it make me feel better? Yes! Actually I feel enlivened and empowered to continue pairing my intellect with my heart in my care for the Earth. With increasing practice, before I leave the home, I do a scan of the location and work to occur when I go out. This gives me a chance to grab my reusable mug, or cotton bags, or hospital gown!!! Reducing waste is so immediately pleasurable.

I love this dance of intellect and passion, of knowledge and love! Find your dance step!


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