Monday, August 1, 2011

The Revolving Door or The Refrigerator Door

Some days when I am creating in the kitchen I am opening and closing the refrigerator door constantly. It would be better if it were a revolving door, and at least less cold would be lost with each pull on the handle.

Soooooo, when you are creating, or cleaning up from creating, become aware of how many times the door is opened. Notice the lightbulb that dutifully assists you and feel the rush of cold air that escapes. All of this activity increases the demand for electricity.

Begin to practice a new habit in the kitchen. Create a pile of items to go into the refrigerator and open the door once. Be aware at the beginning of cooking as to what is needed from the refrigerator, and again, try to open the door as little as possible by being aware of what you are doing and what is needed.

Just reading these words can plant a little seed that can slowly take hold! Celebrate creating in the kitchen, share the food with others and minimize the footprint on the earth!


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