Friday, May 7, 2010

Can there be more days of the year that are called Mother's Day? Like Earth Day ...

Let's take the awareness that we develop on that one day into everyday living! As a mother, I am all for that! I remember as a child asking my mum which day was "children's day" to which she replied "everyday"!
This year I do not want to stuff myself, with husband and children, into an overcrowded restaurant. I would like to combine this day, and a meal, into an honoring and recognition of a Mother much greater than any of us. That would be Mother Earth, Mother Nature, whatever names you designate to her. This meal will be a celebration with others in our community and the food will center around "Mother" food. Vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fruits that have come to our home in cotton bags and will be given minimal alteration before eating.
When you prepare a meal like this, and everyone is seated at the table together, if you have poured your Love into the food as you prepared it, then take your hands and let them hover over the food. Can you feel the vibration coming from the food? Sometimes, if there is much Love, the vibration will push your hands up. Truly! Does this sound like a Ouiji board game?!
To all Mothers, in their various forms and roles, Honor to You!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Following the gift of a one week cleanse, the shifts in body and mind and spirit are beginning to take root. It is manageable...

It is manageable for me, and it is a part of me, to incorporate shifts in the types of foods that I choose to eat, shifts in the way that these foods are prepared and shifts in the patterns of eating. It is part of me now because I have committed myself to this process, and along the way have found joy in what I am doing.

This is not always the way in life. There are things that we would like to do, would like to commit to, but cannot seem to actually incorporate. You may be feeling that way in reading about any type of detox plan, or any type of program that limits your eating, and asks more of you than you are right now. It may be overwhelming just reading the list of ingredients for the kitchadi for the cleanse (see recipes), and you have not even started to put the plan into action! I do know this feeling.

Years ago that was real for me when I began to shift my eating from a Western style diet. Now it is old hat! But ask me to start a vegetable garden again this year, and I am stopped in my tracks. I can find a number of other jobs or tasks or activities that are more demanding of my time and energy. Not more worthy, but more demanding. Yet I want the results of a vegetable garden! I can connect with Mother Earth through cooking wholefoods in the kitchen, through shopping without plastic, through hanging laundry on the line, why am I not pulled into this gardening easily?!

No need to analyse it any further. I have found the source of the problem, and I am still wanting the results. So I am going to put an action plan in place, look for support carefully and nurture myself through this challenge. So the process at this time is:
  • truthfully acknowledge emotions and behaviors
  • use insight and awareness to look at the situation from many different angles
  • ACTION! which is where I am at now.

Updates of the action plan will be posted in the coming days and weeks. Replace the garden situation with your own situation and let us know how you are moving through life!


             Detox Your
         Body and  Mind
Now that the weather is warming up, it is a great time to lift your body's spirits- a time of rejuvenation and rebirth. Free yourself from the burdens of a long winter and emerge revitalized.  Winter often steers us away from our usual intake of fresh produce and whole foods. This can happen, and if poor food choices persist, the body rebels. Detox diets have been a Hollywood fad for years. However, they aren't just for young starlets or leading men. Detoxifying one's body is a promising way of getting back on that wagon and flushing bodily toxins acquired through dietary and lifestyle contaminants. And, spring is the perfect time to  turn over a new, freshly blossoming leaf.

A detox, short for detoxification, removes possibly harmful substances from the body. As we are exposed to environmental and dietary toxins on a daily basis, it's very easy for the body's systems of detox to become overwhelmed, unable to completely clear the system, and therefore get blocked up. In addition to physical burdens, lifestyle stresses contribute to this toxicity. Overeating, eating the wrong foods,dissatisfaction in your relationships, job, or finances can adversely affect how your body processes toxins. We are all in need of some form of detox! Purging your body of physical and mental stresses are important aspects of holistic health. 

The five main systems of detox are the colon, liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs. Since we are all exposed to environmental and dietary toxins, many of which we have no control over, these systems need and deserve a break. We owe it to our selves to provide our bodies with a "spring cleaning" detoxification. Fasting, herbal supplements, and foods provide different avenues to cleanse the body of toxins. Depending on your own body, some ways are better, and safer, than others.

Fasting, popular in spiritual practices and all major religions, provides a powerful opportunity for the body to cleanse and the mind to open. Fasting can come in various forms; ranging from a  juice fast to a water fast, and can last anywhere between one day to two weeks.

In combination with fasting or foods, herbal supplements help to strengthen the cleansing qualities of a detox. Licorice, milk thistle, and psyllium seed are popular and beneficial supplements. It's essential that you consult a qualified health practitioner before embarking on any detoxifying journey. Be sure to discuss supplements, diet, and fasting if applicable. For additional reading, look for books written by Elson Haas, who is an authority on detox.
Once a detox has run its course and cleansed the vital systems, developing daily habits that encourage health is important. The medicinal powers of whole foods keep your newly replenished body free of toxins. A nutritious, varied diet is important for any healthy lifestyle.

 Be sure to stick to:
  • Whole foods that are high in fiber: grains (avoid wheat), nuts (raw), beans, seeds, etc.
  • Organic food and drink because they contain no
  • pesticides
  • FRESH vegetables and fruits in high quantities
  • Lots of water
  • Check our an example of a kitchadi recipe for a detox

  • Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, carbonated beverages
  • Processed foods and refined flours/sugars, yeast
  • Dairy or excessive amounts of soy
  • Meat
A detox diet can provide you with a clean slate, both physically and mentally. It's also a great way to rid the pantry of some less than wholesome winter guests. Get back on track quickly, and your body will thank you for clearing it of harmful toxins. All of this just in time for the warm weather!  

     Garbage Patch 2.0
As a follow up to last month's issue, a new plastic island has been found in a remote area of the Atlantic Ocean. However, unlike its enormous Pacific counterpart, this patch is not as dense or vast.  The Atlantic currents are picking up debris and, as they circulate, depositing the waste into one general area. The gyre has congregated the garbage between Bermuda and Portugal's mid-Atlantic Azores islands. This is just another wake-up call telling us that plastic, especially the kind that is just tossed away, is harming our planet in ways that we cannot overlook. Climate change and over fishing are already causing marine wildlife notable grief.

We need to strive to alleviate a habit that is not sustainable in the long run. Lead by example. The Green Movement is one bandwagon that you should not be ashamed to jump on. And with mothering Mother here to give you a boost, it will be a painless and worthwhile, feat.

        Solar Grand Prix
Get 'em while they're hot! Recently, the community of Contra Costa, CA hosted the first annual Long Beach Solar Grand Prix. Hosted by the 5th District Solar and Sustainability Task Force, the race featured homemade solar-powered cars made from everything from wood to Styrofoam, plastic to aluminum.  No matter what the material, every car had to be powered by the sun. There were 86 cars entered, and they competed in multiple races until an all-girl team from Bethany Lutheran College in Minnesota took first place. Their winning vehicle was made from a two-liter soda bottle, bottle caps, peanut butter lids, and Velcro. Not only was it fun for participants and spectators alike, but it was also a great opportunity to teach teens about solar energy, physics, and the mechanics behind cars. So, if you and your family want to participate in round 2 of the Solar Grand Prix next year, start making those blue prints and rummaging through the recycling bin. You never know what you will need to be the first to cross the finish line. 
