Wednesday, June 26, 2013


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Monday, June 10, 2013

What Do Toys Have to Do With It?

In this article in the NYTimes on the toy company Melissa and Doug, it was not the number of toy sales or the square footage of their home that caught my attention. It was the description from co-founder Melissa Bernstein, of how creativity helped her deal with anxiety in her own life, that caught my eye. In her words, "When I create it makes me so happy. I'm able to soothe myself."  

The toy company makes traditional toys (wood blocks, puzzles), toys that involve active play. This is the question popping into my head: is there a connection between the rise in anxiety in children, and the reduction in time children spend playing creatively? There is more anxiety out there, it isn't just my imagination. Anxiety in children has increased in the past 50 years.

Is our stimulating world too engaging for the ever active mind? I know this to be true for me. I cannot watch television or a movie without carrying images and words around in my head for a couple of days. I cannot watch the news and then go to bed without dreaming about those who have been injured, killed, disadvantaged.

Must this also be true for children? As a parent I am very suspicious of screens. I want my children to live life actively, not passively. As the number of screens in the home increase so does the work that I do to monitor.

Ultimately, I am willing to do the work because I am in the camp of Melissa, who said, "Her own childhood taught her that creativity can be a salve." My own body and mind calm when I get into the creative zone. As for the kids and the reduction in screen time at our home, ultimately life has a way of working these things out!       

Peace to all, quietude to all.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Vegetable Stir Fry with Tahini Sauce

With an abundance of local produce coming soon, enjoy the bounty that is in your neighborhood, and maybe even in your backyard! All of the vegetables listed in this recipe can be replaced with something that is available to you, and the Tahini Sauce gives anything a finishing touch!

We served the stir fry with French lentils, which cook in about 35 minutes. The finished meal is a mixture of flavors as the spice of the jalapeno is ever present along with the subtle flavors of the arame, parsley and Tahini sauce.

Vegetable Stir Fry
2 T ghee butter or sesame oil
½ cup diced onion
½ jalapeno pepper, remove seeds and chop finely
1 zucchini or summer squash, cut lengthwise and slice into half moons
4 large Swiss chard stalks, separate stems from leaves, slice stems, chop leaves
½ bunch beet greens, stems removed and leaves chop lightly
½ cup chopped parley
1/3 cup arame, soaked 30 minutes, rinse and drain
¼ cup sesame seeds, lightly roast

Heat 1 T ghee in a wok or frying pan over medium high heat. When melted, add the onion. Toss for a minute or two, then add the jalapeno and zucchini. Stir to cook for about 4 minutes. Remove from the pan, add the remaining 1 T of ghee, and cook the sliced Swiss Chard stems, about 3 minutes. Add the lightly chopped greens, cook for 2 minutes. Toss in the parsley, drained arame, and the cooked onion/zucchini mixture.

Serve the vegetables with the cooked French lentils (or another legume or protein based grain such as quinoa), drizzled with the Tahini Sauce (below) and sprinkle with sesame seeds.


Tahini Sauce
2 T tahini (ground sesame)
2 T warm water
1 T fresh lemon juice
Salt, pepper

Whisk together the above ingredients. Pour over lentils and vegetables.


Start Earth Munching with the help of 

Friday, May 10, 2013

It Doesn't Take Much

All I had to do was clean the screen on my computer, and the world looks different! Okay, the world as it comes through the computer... which for most of us is a good chunk of the world! Truly, everything on the screen feels lighter, cleaner, free of clutter and haziness.

This morning, when I started my yoga practice, I could feel several conversations running through my mind. These are conversations were ones that I had not yet had!!! The internal dialogue involved situations with two of our children, and I was letting the whole dialogue unfold, based on past experience.

Recognizing what was going on between my ears was the first major step. I did not want to give up my yoga time to a visualization of the day ahead of me. What have I been taught to do in these moments - to go to the breath first. Yes, the breath. Inhale, feel how this calms, exhale, let planning and strategizing go. Inhale, feel the beautiful freedom of being in my body, exhale, fall into my own Inner Peace.

By the end of the first Sun Salutation I had released the conversations. Staying focused on the immediate world around me, I moved through the yoga practice with presence and lightness.

And what followed? That is what everyone wants to know? Right. Well, not the conversations that I had been imagining and wasting my life concocting. One of the situations did not readily resolve itself, and the other situation never occurred! The behavior that I had anticipated did not surface!!!

With all of these boys there is rarely a dull emotional moment for the ever functioning mother!

May the lightness of our Inner Beauty be the voice that dominates throughout our day.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Kids & Kidneys Beans! Meatless Monday

As I am writing the blog for Meatless Monday, I am surrounded by the smell of bacon!!! How can this be happening in our Meatless Monday home?! Very easily - have you ever had a child come home from college for the summer? With his/her own ideas?

We have never been a vegan home, or a vegetarian home, so it is no surprise that there is meat in the home. Bacon is a new one, something I gave in on during his first week of adjustment.

Although I have wanted to be the perfect example of a 'plant based whole foods home', I am the only one in our home who does not consume flesh foods (read: meat, poultry, fish, eggs). We eat lots of vegan and some vegetarian meals, but the meat rears itself.

It is a huge shift and sacrifice to give up all meats. And it is a shift that often does not happen overnight! I have been on this journey for a long time, and at different stages and focuses along the way.  That is the gift of Meatless Monday, the gentle weekly reminder of awareness - whether your awareness and focus is your own health, the health of the planet, the welfare of the factory raised animals - whatever, find something that is meaningful for you today, and go with it.

One day out of the week, bring yourself and those around you some 'awareness' to munch upon. At the very least it will make for some interesting dinner conversation!

This recipe is super easy,.. And, there is a video to go with it.
Eat well, be well.

Kidney Bean Dip

2 cups cooked kidney beans (see video 'How To' Prepare, Cook & Store Beans)
1-2 T jalapeno pepper, finely chopped (optional, but gives a great kick!)
1 clove garlic, minced (see video 'How To' Mince Garlic)
1/4 t cinnamon
3/4 t ground coriander
3/4 t ground cumin
1 cup diced tomatoes
3/4 t salt
Juice of 1 lemon

Puree in blender or food processor. The dip is best served a few hours later, when the flavors have further developed. Eat with vegetable pieces or crackers. Enjoy!

Cost (Approximate Numbers)
Kidney Beans - $.75
Jalapeno, Garlic, Tomato & Lemon - $4.00
Spices, Seasonings - $.50

Monday, April 29, 2013

Meatless Monday Reflection

Reflecting for a moment on the reasons to make the effort and participate in Meatless Monday is what I feel called to discuss. We are moving more and more to a world of awareness of our consumption, both on ourselves and on our world. As the economic cloud holds over the US and Europe, it is a good time to reflect on what we are consuming and why. A shortage of resources will bring up questions of value, priority and purpose. It was during our leanest financial years in this home that I felt a complete union with the actions that I did and the spiral effect that they created.

We were a young family, short on cash, focusing our spending on a home and early education for our children. We made choices on a daily basis, around money, that would allow me to continue to stay in the home and raise our children. At the same time, I was passionate about reducing our "Earth expense" (ie carbon footprint) in our daily lives. Cooking food at home, meals that came from whole ingredients as opposed to packages, nourished our bodies and souls, while keeping the Earth smiling. This contentment wasn't limited to cooking. I also sewed clothing for special occasions - the joy of watching a child run around in an outfit that I had created with my hands is beyond description! The contextual meaning of things, or food, or events, is so much greater when we pour our time and love into it.

When I first came to the environmental movement I found it overwhelming, both in information and in emotion. So much to learn, so many habits to change, and so few of us doing it. Oh, despair could set in easily! But then it all seemed to come back to the kitchen, it would come back to the fact that everyone gets hungry, and what are you going to eat? Connecting through food made so many other choices more manageable. My body started to vibrate with this "earthiness" that eased the strain of other behaviors that required changes. Reducing our family footprint started to become a creative game for us - how could we go on an outing and come home without waste, including diaper waste? Now this Earth Living became "want to" actions as opposed to a "should do" actions.

True change does not happen quickly. This Meatless Monday nudge will work its magic on you if you allow it to enter into your life as a weekly habit. And when it is most inconvenient, that is when you will develop the greatest strength and growth around it. 

So, happy Meatless Monday! May the reverberation of your intentional Earth and Health action bring greater ease to your green living choices, where we all benefit. "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something." (

Black Bean Burgers

When I made these burgers I had some leftover quinoa salad that I could not face eating again. This was the perfect solution! With the dressing already on the quinoa I skipped the olive oil. As well, I had no time to dry breadcrumbs, and did not want to use the oven energy for just that activity, so I used fresh breadcrumbs and the result was great!

Playing with the seasonings of the burgers is easy to do! Serve the burgers either on a hamburger bun or on a Portobello mushroom or on its own!

Black Bean Burgers (6)

1/2 cup cooked quinoa (room temperature or colder)
1 1/2 cups cooked black beans*, well drained
1/4 cup chopped onion (red or yellow)
1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
2 T olive oil
1 T jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped finely
1/2 t salt
1/2 t ground chili
1/2 t ground cumin
1/3 cup fresh breadcrumbs

First make the breadcrumbs by putting some ends of bread into a food processor. Process to make breadcrumbs and set aside on a plate.

Combine the quinoa, black beans, onion, garlic (optional), oil, pepper, and seasonings in the bowl of the same food processor. Mix only to blend, leaving some visible chunks.

Spoon out 6 patties onto a plate. With your hands, pick up a burger, and place it onto the breadcrumbs. Then turn it over to cover the other side.

Cook the burgers by heating in a frying pan. No fat is needed, just brown one side, then carefully flip, and brown the other side.

Serve with a beautiful green salad and top with your favorite toppings!


*Why not beans from a can? Canned beans carry a larger environmental footprint and a smaller nutritional footprint. They are stored in a can that is usually lined with BPA (Bisphenol A) which seeps into your food. As well, these beans often contain salt. Save your money and your health and choose to cook your own beans.

Friday, April 26, 2013

mothering Mother Newsletter - April 2013

mM New Logo
mothering Mother in Daily Life 
Green Living Bites
~ View the movie Fresh online at the link below until April 30th. Fresh is a wonderful movie about the systems of food production and the changes that are occurring to bring us into a closer relationship with our food - how it is grown, sourced and enjoyed! Highly recommended   
~The paper towel challenge! We have not given you that in a few months! Make a commitment to go a day, or a week, or a month, without paper towel. Use washable cotton rags and towels in place of paper. Remember, paper towel is loaded with chemicals! Don't expose yourself, your food and our world, to this single use toxic load!
~When using the oven, endeavor to bake or roast more than one item at a time, to maximize the heat that is created in the oven. For example, if you are going to bake, during the warming or cooling of the oven put a pan of nuts into the oven to gently dry roast, or dry out kale or dulse!
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What does mothering Mother® nurturing Nature mean? It means taking care of Mother Nature through our daily actions. Mother Nature has given us so much and now it is time for us to be aware and active in creating a reciprocal relationship.  

Each newsletter seeks to address opportunities in daily life to invite a connection to the Earth. mothering Mother® believes that food is an integral and ongoing way to nurture the Mother Nature relationship. We eat 2-3 times a day. Eating whole foods for a healthy body, and a calm mind, will also nurture the Earth. We are intricately connected with the Mother.

Use your cotton mothering Mother® bags as ongoing reminders of this evolving relationship. Less plastic is better for you and the Earth. Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds are better for you, and the Earth. Allow the mothering of Mother and the nurturing of Nature to be your daily offering of thanks.


Lent & VB6

Frank Jaklitsch
Lawyer, Runner, Food Experimenter

I couldn't think of an inspiring sacrifice for Lent this year, until I happened upon an Outside magazine article about a lifestyle called "VB6".  It is short for "Vegan Before 6", and it's the title of an upcoming book by a famed food critic, Mark Bittman. The program is as simple as it sounds.  Just eat vegan at breakfast and lunch, as well as snacks during the day, and then eat whatever you want (emphasis on "whatever") for dinner after 6 pm.   For those who are not sure, vegan really means no animal products (emphasis on "no"), including any meat, fish, dairy or eggs, and even honey - I couldn't believe that last one, either.   I finished the article an hour before the start of Fat Tuesday, and I decided right then I would try VB6 for Lent.  No deliberations necessary.  After all, it was only for 40 days, and it wouldn't affect my dinner plans, so why not?

I have never been a vegan before, or even a vegetarian. My original motivation was to do something different for myself, and of course to make a legitimate sacrifice for Lent.  I have always liked a wide variety of foods so I was a nervous this would quickly become a seven week sentence of the same few lunches that were safe (e.g., McDonald's French fries, bean burritos (hold the cheese), cucumber sushi rolls, and garden salads with vinaigrette dressing - I was never much of a brown bagger.)   Breakfast I could deal with, but I expected that most afternoons I would feel less than satiated, with mild hunger pangs setting in around 3pm, and perhaps some lightheadedness from the assured decrease in protein intake.  Mentally, I worked in several weekday afternoons where VB6 would be abandoned for the "greater good" (read: my job).

What actually happened is that by day 5 or so, those expectations became flat out ridiculous.  The biggest surprise is that I felt much less hungry during the day.  Hmmm, less hungry without meat or dairy or eggs?  I felt more alert actually, and I was not missing out on much protein at all.  The 11:45am "it's early but I've got to eat something" quickly became the "wow, its 2:00pm and I haven't grabbed lunch yet."   And when I got home from work, I unconsciously stopped my terrible habit of consuming assorted snacks in the hour before dinner - because I wasn't hungry.  I'm not a doctor but I suspect that my blood sugar was much more consistent on this new plan.  Vegan food generally is a better source of fiber (compared with animal products, which have none), and I suspect this was an important factor as well.

The second biggest surprise for me, is that I started losing weight.  This wasn't an initial goal of the VB6 'sacrifice' and this quickly got me energized about the program.  Suddenly I was losing roughly 2lbs a week, without counting a single calorie, and fitting into some old pants again.  I lost at least 8lbs, which is 5% of my body weight.  Honestly, I have plateaued in the last couple of weeks, but I'm very optimistic that with just a minimum amount of effort here or there (like counting a calorie, or eating a vegan dinner), I may get even thinner.  I should have realized this might happen - try and google "overweight vegan," and see if you get any results.  The conventional wisdom is that vegans are generally thinner than the average population, and after a few weeks just following VB6, it's easy to see why. 

So what vegan foods did I eat for the last 7 weeks?  In a sentence, all that stuff I've probably walked past 100 times in the supermarket.  It takes a tiny amount of effort to scan shelves or read labels, but there all kinds of great vegan products out there.  For breakfast, I sometimes combine almond yogurt or walnuts or almond butter along with my oatmeal in the morning (they even taste pretty good in the same bowl).  For lunch, I discovered fennel and baby bok choy and snap peas in the produce aisle (literally - I had never noticed these before), and most days I just eat them raw.  I've also made my own barley, farro, wild rice and buckwheat for the first time ever (the real stuff, not the high salt preparations), and sometimes I'll mix them with beans or sauce (think Indian, Mexican, etc.).  From the freezer section, black bean burgers are really good, as are some imitation 'meats' using textured vegetable protein.  And I'd be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to almost anything by Amy's, Daiya brand 'cheese' (tastier than some real ones) and Speculoos (better than peanut butter, and I'll never understand how 20th century America missed this).  And this is just a start.  I started bringing my lunch to work way more often, although for a break, the lunch counter at the local health food store is a good option, too. 

Lent ended, but I'm sticking with VB6 for the long haul. I have seriously considered going with just the "V", but if I only keep one non-vegan type of food, it will probably be fish (after all, it's a reliable source of Vitamin B12).  I won't pretend to be extremely principled about animal rights or the environment, although I do care about my blood pressure, and I am forever trying to lower my running times (it helps a lot to be thin).  I did find an article on the internet, pondering whether the creator of VB6 was doing veganism more harm than good - to paraphrase (loosely), the author turned a principled movement (that wasn't about health) into a cafeteria-style short-term fad that used a perceived inferior, low protein diet to achieve a specific personal health goal. I will preemptively ask anyone who feels that same frustration toward me to please give me a break, and to spew such vitriol at those 8lbs of me that no longer exist!

Frank and Bandit

 My dog, Bandit, did not try VB6 with me, although he does love peanut butter!

3 Bean Salad

This salad is unique in its origin - coming from your own kitchen! It is so tasty and satisfying! This salad fits right in with Frank's VB6 program. Bean salad is wonderful for lunch, and it can be the salad dressing/topping on your salad. There is enough flavor and goodness in it to give you some protein and some slow burning carbohydrates, with some great fiber to keep your system moving!

3 Bean Salad
Simple eating!
3 Bean Salad
2 cups cooked kidney beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups chick peas, drained and rinsed
1 cup celery, finely diced
1/2 cup red onion, finely chopped
1 cup chopped parsley
1 T fresh rosemary, finely chopped

1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 apple cider vinegar
2 T maple syrup
Salt, pepper

Combine all of the ingredients for the salad in a bowl. Combine all of the ingredients for the dressing in a jar. Emulsify the dressing ingredients together (shake or use a small whisk), taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Pour the dressing over the beans and vegetables, mix thoroughly and then refrigerator for 4-12 hours. The flavor of the dressing penetrates into the beans and the herbs develop greater flavor with time.

Serve along with the Alternative Grain Tabouli Salad for a complete protein complement. Serve over green salad as the dressing. 

Makes 4-5 servings.

Health = Home 

Sydney MacInnis
Founder mothering Mother
Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga & Meditation Instructor  
Cordon Bleu Cook

As I sit in a bookstore in New York City, waiting for Michael Pollan to speak about his new book, Cooked, I am extra inspired to write words in this newsletter, words that I can only hope will help all of us to further our connection with our food, our bodies and our environment. Frank has written in the above article about his experience of 40 days of VB6. Change is possible, in bite size pieces that we are ready to accomodate, fueled by desire and commitment.


In his talk, Pollan said that he believes that the most important thing about our diet is recognizing who is cooking our food - a human or a corporation. Cooking is a key to health and those who cook their own food have a better diet. It is the willingness of people to cook that is the key item here. Our culture spends less time cooking than we spend watching cooking shows! How interesting! Pollan feels that we are obsessed with cooking because it elicits fond memories of watching our mum, our grandma, cooking, and, together with the smells, elicit memories of love.

Well, even Pollan says that the kitchen today cannot look like the kitchen of our mothers' and grandmothers' days. Men and children need to, and in many cases, want to be in the kitchen.

Adding to this, I would say that eating is essential to all of us, and preparing the food is sharing in the most basic aspect of our being - our own survival! Whether it is vegan, or vegetarian, or flexitarian, or pescetarian, or omnivore, let it be a reflection of your creation and consciousness. Countries that put the most time into cooking at home have the lowest obesity rates. Restaurants and corporations have one main goal when it comes to your food - that you like it enough to come back again. To achieve that end additives and calories are used to extents that we the consumer do not know.

Although I can give a full nutritional account of the disadvantage of VB6, I am going to hold off. Mark Bittman with his focus on gradual change is creating a platform that is reasonable and useable for those looking to shift. Veganism and vegetarianism are on the rise, and we are becoming more informed and discerning "consumers".

"May food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." (Hippocrates)

Eat well, be well.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apple Crisp - Just a little sweetness!

This is such an easy dish to make. Light and satisfying at the same time, this is sure to warm your belly and heart!

Apple Crisp
6 cooking apples, peeled, cored, sliced
1/2 lemon
1 t cinnamon

1/2 cup sucanat sugar
1/2 cup soft whole wheat flour
1/3 cup butter, or ghee, or vegan alternative
1/2 cup oats, large or quick cook

Arrange apples in a pyrex dish, 9" x 12". Squeeze the lemon over the apples and then sprinkle over the cinnamon.

Mix together all of the ingredients for the topping. Blending by hand with a pastry cutter works well. If using a food processor, do not add the oatmeal, and process with on and off clicks until the butter is in small pieces. Add in the oatmeal before covering the apples.

Bake in a 350ºF oven for 30-35 minutes. Let cool 30 minutes before diving in!

Give thanks, and enjoy!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fasting - Video on Basics

In this video, Sydney gives the basic understandings of why to fast and how to fast. Fasting is an ancient practice that is applicable today more than ever!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Meatless Monday - Black Bean Soup

Although I am working my way through the Spring Fast, I created this Black Bean Soup a few days ago! It is hard to go wrong with black beans - they have a nice flavor, and they naturally work well with cumin, spice (cayenne or jalapeno), cilantro and corn! Maybe a little tomato thrown in as well!

I was recently watching a video of a recipe with black beans and quinoa and a bunch of other ingredients. I am going to point out a couple of health notes to you - cooking your own black beans, following the instructions in the video below, is well worth the effort! Canned cooked beans have BPA (Bisphenol A) in the lining of the tin that can get in the food. So, beyond the savings in dollars that comes with cooking your own beans, and the environmental advantage (no wasteful cans - even if they are recycled, this all takes energy), there is a hugely positive health benefit to you. Three positive reasons to learn to cook your own beans! It is a little intimidating at first, but once you turn out your first batch you will feel darn proud of your own culinary abilities, and your own earthiness!

The other special note is to always buy organic corn. If you are buying frozen corn, which is what I do for most of the year, buy organic.  Unless it is marked organic there is a good chance that you are purchasing a GMO food! Corn is up there with soy as a common GMO'd food. (GMO= Genetically Modified Organism, for more information see the documentary Genetic Roulette).

In this recipe I added in diced butternut squash, because I had a piece of squash in the refrigerator, calling out to be cooked! Use anything that you have on hand and have some fun with it!

Black Bean Soup
1 T coconut oil or ghee butter
1 cup diced onion (video 'How To' Chop Onions)
1 t ground cumin (video 'How To' Roast Spices)
1 T chopped jalapeno OR 1/4 t cayenne pepper
5 sundried tomatoes, soaked in warm water for 1 hour, then diced (save the water)
2 cups black beans (video 'How To' Soak, Cook & Store Beans), save the liquid
1 1/2 cups diced squash
1 cup vegetable stock or water, or more if needed
2 cups chopped spinach
1/2 cup corn (always organic!)
Salt, pepper

Melt the oil or ghee in a saucepan, add the diced onion and cook for 7 minutes. Add the chopped jalapeno or cayenne, and the cumin. Stir to incorporate and cook another minute. Add the chopped sundried tomatoes and the diced squash. Mix to cover the vegetables with the spices.

Cook another minute. Then add the water from the sundried tomatoes, the liquid from the black beans and the vegetable stock or water. Bring all of this to the boil, then cover with a lid and reduce to a simmer.

Let the soup cook for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat, and take a potato masher and gently mash the beans and the squash. Mash this to your own preference, whether you like it chunkier or more homogenized. Adjust the liquid, adding more if necessary.

Stir in the spinach and corn. Stir throughout the soup to cook the spinach and to thaw the corn. Add salt and pepper, remembering that the water from the sundried tomatoes may have had salt in it.

Serve the soup in bowls with a little diced avocado on top, if you like. Serve with some bits of bread from the bottom of the freezer, toasted up for the dinner, and a wonderful green salad.

At our home we also had some delicious Apple Crumble that evening! There were some apples that were needing cooking before they rotted and we decided that a simple crumble would be the perfect way to go!

More on the Apple Crumble later! Sorry to have you salivating. Hopefully there is enough food information here for Meatless Monday! Check back into the blog in a couple of days and this super simple and delicious Apple Crumble recipe will be here!

Serves 3.

Eat well, and be well!

 Cost (approximate numbers)
Onion - $.75
Sundried Tomatoes - $1.50
Squash - $1.50
Black Beans - $.50
Spinach - $2.00
Corn - $.50

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Best Sleeps Ever!

When I fast I have the best sleeps! Truly! My body is not busy digesting any food. My mind is not carrying all of the emotions of the hands that handled my food. It is clear, dreamless sleep!

Today has been really good. It started with a walk to yoga class, walk home, and then the breakfast chelation pesto (see photo). Juice was delicious and gave me the energy to move through the day. The day was filled with errands, tea with a friend and a nap! Each meal was the juice and pesto. In between I had lemon with warm water and some maple syrup. I also had ginger tea with a little honey.

Fasting is a great way to drop weight quickly. I have lost 3.5 lbs in 2 days of fasting, which is lots of weight for me! I usually drop a consistent pound a day, but my body must have been ready to just let go of some of the winter sludge! So fasting can be a great kick start to weight loss, and in combination with clearing out the body at the same time. 

Here is the meal - fresh juice (red from the beet) and chelation pesto! Nummy!

This coming week the mothering Mother newsletter is going to discuss why we sleep better when the stomach has less food. Sign up for the newsletter at the top left of the home page.

Please share your fasting stories, tips and experiences with us!

Be well, and sleep well!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Cleaning Out the Winter Congestion

Today is the end of day 2 of my spring juice fast. When it is time to start a fast the decision usually just hits! I look at the calendar for a few days that are not stacked with engagements that will be uncomfortable. One upcoming engagement will be very comfortable because this couple understands the importance of taking care of the body.

With all that is out there in the market place for cleansing, and detoxing, what do you find is the best way to detox and clear out your body??

I love the spring fast because I really do feel that the sluggishness of the winter has an opportunity to clear out, and then my body is clear and ready for the wonderful fresh food that comes in the spring and summer.

For more detox information see the Past Newsletters, May 2010, on left column of this blog.

Tell me of your fasting, cleansing and detoxing stories!


At one with the juicer for the next few days! This machine has taken me through many a-fast!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Video 'How To' Make Vegetable Stock

In this video Sydney goes through the techniques and principles of why homemade vegetable stock will transform the taste and quality of your homemade soups, stews, and even grains! Vegetable stock is a fundamental ingredient of the plant based whole foods kitchen.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Meatless Monday - Split Pea Soup

This past week I pulled Laurel's Kitchen off the shelf. I still use it as a reference for specific nutrient values in food. Leafing through the pages I started to remember the many many times when this was my 'go to' book.

A new legume - split peas! The green and the yellow varieties can be used interchangeably. This soup recipe I made often when the boys were younger. What I love about the Laurel's Kitchen recipes is that many of them are made with basic ingredients that you have on hand. When a child is sleeping and you can only work with what is in the cupboard, this book fits the bill! Simple, tasty, hearty and healthy!

I made only a few variations to this classic! Well, for us this is the 'classic' pea soup. No ham hock needed!

Split Pea Soup
1 large onion, diced (video 'How To' Chop An Onion)
1 T ghee, or oil
1 t celery seed
1 bay leaf
3/4 cup yellow split peas (or green)
1/4 cup barley, unhulled
6 cups water (or water and vegetable stock combination)
1 t salt, some pepper
1 carrot, diced
3 stalks celery, diced
1 sweet potato, diced (skin still on) OR 1 cup diced squash (raw)
1 t dried basil
1 t dried thyme

Melt the ghee over a medium heat and add the diced onion. Stir and cook, moving the onion so that it does not get too dark.
After 5-7 minutes, add the celery seeds and stir for another minute.

Rinse the split peas in a sieve and sort through for any stones. Rinse the barley under water in a sieve. Add the rinsed peas and barley to the onions and stir for a further minute. Then add the water/stock and the bay leaf. Turn the heat to medium high, stir, and bring it to the boil. Once the soup boils, reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and let it cook for a good 90 minutes. Check that the barley and peas are cooked before continuing with the recipe.

To the soup pot add the salt, black pepper, carrot, celery, potato or squash, and herbs. Continue cooking at a low simmer for 40 minutes. If needed add more liquid. Let the soup sit for 10-15 minutes, if possible, before serving. Taste, adjust the seasoning if necessary.

Serves 4.

Cost (approximate numbers)
Onion - $1.00
Split Peas - $1.00
Barley - $.75
Seasoning (bay leaf, celery seed, basil, thyme) - $.75
Carrot - $.50
Celery - $1.00
Sweet Potato or Squash - $1.00
Heart warming and Soul satisfying soup! Perfect for the lingering winter days.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Yoga of Cooking mothering Mother

Sydney gives ideas and reasons for finding "your center" in the kitchen, before chopping vegetables and tossing salads!

Eat well, be well.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Meatless Monday - Indian Style Chick Peas with Cauliflower

This past weekend was another weekend to articulate the diversity in our home - we were at a hockey tournament in PA! The yoga of hockey! Life is filled with dualities, and our home life is a daily reminder of that. To keep myself grounded in the experience, rather than alienated or angry, I have to bring bits of food to keep me nourished and fed. I also bring lots of reusable containers so that I am able to use those when single use disposables are the only option offered. Oh yes, the yoga and meditation mats are in full use.

Grounding Experiences:

  • To start the morning out the hotel helped to find me an unused conference room for meditation and yoga.
  • At the hotel the only plates and cutlery provided for the breakfast were single use throw away. I had my own cutlery, and a reusable container. I enjoyed some fresh fruit salad! Then I brought out a rice cake and nut butter from home, and had that for the rest of breakfast.
  • We had a lunch at a TGI Fridays. They made the nicest salad for me! Lots of vegetables, a large pile of hummus in a 'cucumber' bowl, and oil and vinegar for a dressing. The hummus was delicious - spicy with garlic! 
  •  Saturday evening we went to a steak house, and I sat in a booth with 5 steak eaters around me. At moments I felt a little woozy from the smell of the flesh, but I took that deep yoga breath, and reminded myself that I would be fine - I was not choosing to eat the cow!
  • The other parents watched, asked little, and we all went on our way to the arena to focus on the main events of the weekend - not mealtime but stick time! Hockey time! The boys won the tournament and I am back on the mat today, at home.

A happy player and a happy assistant coach!

Simple to prepare, super tasty, satisfying and delicious for leftovers the following day!

Back to the recipe and Monday morning. While I am writing this post I have noticed that chick peas have appeared frequently on these pages. Next week we are onto a new legume!

This recipe is from the Indian cook Smita Chandra, who lives in Toronto. There are several changes made to the recipe. It was a cauliflower recipe originally, so the chick peas are a change up.

Don't have all of the spices below in your cupboard? No problem, just replace the spices from the tumeric through the garam masala with a good quality curry powder, assuming that you have that on hand! It is the paste of the garlic/ginger/onion combination, together with the tomatoes, that give the body to the sauce. Lemon juice accents the flavor of most curries, and is a welcome ending to the preparation.

The flavor is sweet and the overall experience is grounding! Adjust the spiciness to your own liking. These proportions give a mild spice.

Indian Style Chick Peas
2 T ghee butter or oil
1 t cumin seeds
3 cloves garlic, chopped lightly (video 'How To' Chop Garlic)
1" piece of ginger, peeled and chopped lightly
1 Spanish onion, or 3 medium onions, chopped in eighths (video 'How To' Chop Onions)
1 1/2 cups diced tomatoes (fresh or canned)
1 t tumeric
1/4 t cayenne
1 1/2 t ground coriander (video 'How To' Dry Roast Spices)
1 t ground cumin
1 t garam masala
1 t salt
1 cup water or liquid from chick peas
2 1/2 cups cooked chick peas, drained (save the liquid), not rinsed (video 'How To' Cook Beans)
2 cups cauliflower pieces
1 T lemon juice

In a blender of food processor, mulch the garlic, ginger and onion together until a smooth paste. Melt the ghee over a medium heat, and when it is hot add the cumin seeds.

Cook for 10-20 seconds, then carefully add the onion/garlic/ginger paste. Be careful when adding as it can sometimes splash up at you!

Cook the paste until it starts to brown, stirring frequently. Add the diced tomatoes, liquid and all. Cook for 5 minutes, using the back of a spoon to mash the tomatoes if necessary. Then add the tumeric, cayenne, ground coriander, ground cumin, garam masala and salt. Stir together and cook the spices for 3 minutes before adding the water, or chick pea liquid, and the drained chick peas.

Completely immerse the chick peas in the sauce, bring to the boil. Cover with a lid, and reduce the heat to low so that the curry simmers. Add more liquid to keep an easy consistency, not pasty, not runny.

After the chick peas have simmered for 20-30 minutes, add the cauliflower, turning carefully to ensure that each piece is covered with sauce.

Cook a further 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the food sit in the pan for 5-10 minutes.

Pour over the lemon juice, stir throughout, taste and adjusting the seasoning if necessary.

Serve with a grain and greens! And give thanks for your Meatless Monday habit!

Serves 4.


Cost (approximate numbers)
Garlic - $.50
Ginger - $.50
Onion - $1.50
Tomatoes - $3.00
Spices - $1.50
Chick Peas - $.75 (home cooked)
Cauliflower - $2.50
Lemon - $.50
Grain (rice) - $1.00
Greens (collards, kale) - $6.00

Eat well, be well.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Meatless Monday - Grilled Tofu with Veg and Millet

Welcome to Monday! It is a pleasure to post these recipes each week. At the moment I am working on a pitch for a grant for mothering Mother, and the work is reminding me of the intention of the cotton bags and these recipes.

Outside of breathing, eating is the most repetitive action in our daily lives (I am omitting sleeping here!). Therefore effort that we put into changes in the food that we eat has the possibility of making a big difference environmentally when spread throughout a lifetime! mothering Mother is taking it one meal at a time! That is all that any of us can do, get the information and start to make incremental changes.

Shopping is a way to begin the process. If I choose to not buy packaged foods, such as chips, or granola bars, then when I am hungry for something easy and quick those options will not be sitting close at hand, and challenging me on my commitment to eat in a more healthy way. Just the thought of eating different foods can be overwhelming, even before I actually do anything! Just the mental activity can talk me out of my good intentions!

Take it one meal at a time. And with Meatless Monday, take it one day at a time. Prepare in advance for your Meatless Day so that there is less chance of you abandoning your efforts part way through the day. View the mothering Mother videos that show various techniques and some actual meals.

Stay the course! I can see our son putting less objections up for the Meatless Monday concept. He knows of the larger commitment that I have made, and although he and my husband are not on the same meatless journey, they do recognize the value in the holistic way of shopping and eating with the Earth in mind.

Reading the NY Times article on processed and junk food gives some understanding to the magnetic power of these foods. Let this knowledge be power for you, power to overcome the marketing that lulls all of us into these ways. Build strength!

Start by purchasing good quality vegetables, fruits and bulk items in cotton! Start to shift your habits right at the point of purchase - at the grocery store! We are here to inspire and support you and planet Earth's health journey!

Eat well, be well.

Although I planned to cook with ginger and rutabaga, once I started the process I decided to keep it simpler! This is the cook's prerogative and creativity!

Grilled Tofu with Vegetables and Millet
1 block tofu, drained and dried in a cotton kitchen towel
Sesame oil
Salt, pepper

1 cup millet (see video 'How To' Cook Millet)
2 1/2 cups water or vegetable stock
Pinch of salt

1 T ghee or sesame oil (see video 'How To' Make Ghee Butter)
1 onion, sliced (see video 'How To' Slice an Onion)
1 red pepper, sliced (similar to the onion slices)
1/2 cup fennel, thinly sliced (use the bulb at the bottom, the stalk and the wispy green bits at the top)

1 tomato, diced
2 cloves garlic, diced (optional) (see video 'How To' Mince Garlic)
1 bunch spinach, washed and stems removed

Rinse, then slice the tofu into large flat pieces.

Lay flat on a kitchen towel, with another towel on top, and gently press out the water. Repeat this several times, moving the towel to find another dry place for pressing.   

Brush sesame oil onto the tofu, sprinkling with a touch of salt and pepper, and put under a hot grill. Grill until a crispy edge forms.

Flip the tofu by placing another rack on top and then flipping it over. brush with oil and grill the other side. *Remember the oven gloves!

Brush with oil and grill the other side. Put the grilled tofu aside until the vegetables are ready.

Prepare the millet. Rinse it in a sieve under water, and then dry roast in the pan before adding the water and salt. Bring it to the boil, reduce to a simmer, cover, and let cook for a further 40 minutes approximately. When cooked let the millet sit in the saucepan, covered, for a further 5 minutes.

In a wok or comparable frying pan, heat the ghee or sesame oil over a medium heat, add the onion and cook for 5 minutes. Add the pepper and fennel, cook a further 5 minutes. Add all parts of the fennel except the wispy green bits. They can go on at the last. Season with a little salt and pepper, and set aside to go on top of the tofu.

In the same hot pan, add the diced tomato and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes, or until the tomato is mostly broken down. Then add the spinach, folding over carefully so that all of the greens cook.

Onto a dinner plate put a piece of the tofu, topped with the onion/pepper/fennel combination, topped with the green wispy bits from the fennel. To the side add some millet and spinach!

Enjoy the colors, and the taste! If the mixture is too dry for your liking, add a small amount of a healthy condiment or oil from your pantry (in our home some tamari was added to one dinner).

Serves 3-4.


Cost (approximate numbers)
Tofu - $2.50
Millet - $.75
Onion - $.75
Red Pepper - $2.50
Fennel - $1.00
Tomato - $2.00
Garlic - $.25
Spinach - $3.99