Saturday, April 13, 2013

Best Sleeps Ever!

When I fast I have the best sleeps! Truly! My body is not busy digesting any food. My mind is not carrying all of the emotions of the hands that handled my food. It is clear, dreamless sleep!

Today has been really good. It started with a walk to yoga class, walk home, and then the breakfast chelation pesto (see photo). Juice was delicious and gave me the energy to move through the day. The day was filled with errands, tea with a friend and a nap! Each meal was the juice and pesto. In between I had lemon with warm water and some maple syrup. I also had ginger tea with a little honey.

Fasting is a great way to drop weight quickly. I have lost 3.5 lbs in 2 days of fasting, which is lots of weight for me! I usually drop a consistent pound a day, but my body must have been ready to just let go of some of the winter sludge! So fasting can be a great kick start to weight loss, and in combination with clearing out the body at the same time. 

Here is the meal - fresh juice (red from the beet) and chelation pesto! Nummy!

This coming week the mothering Mother newsletter is going to discuss why we sleep better when the stomach has less food. Sign up for the newsletter at the top left of the home page.

Please share your fasting stories, tips and experiences with us!

Be well, and sleep well!


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