Friday, April 12, 2013

Cleaning Out the Winter Congestion

Today is the end of day 2 of my spring juice fast. When it is time to start a fast the decision usually just hits! I look at the calendar for a few days that are not stacked with engagements that will be uncomfortable. One upcoming engagement will be very comfortable because this couple understands the importance of taking care of the body.

With all that is out there in the market place for cleansing, and detoxing, what do you find is the best way to detox and clear out your body??

I love the spring fast because I really do feel that the sluggishness of the winter has an opportunity to clear out, and then my body is clear and ready for the wonderful fresh food that comes in the spring and summer.

For more detox information see the Past Newsletters, May 2010, on left column of this blog.

Tell me of your fasting, cleansing and detoxing stories!


At one with the juicer for the next few days! This machine has taken me through many a-fast!

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