It can be heavy out there! Let's be aware of it and learn how to lighten it up!
Gravity is always acting on us. Our bodies are subject to the force, thankfully, that keeps us physicaly rooted here on Earth. Our weight is nothing but a number that is a combination of that force and our volume (volume being a combination of size and density). The force is strong enough to change our bodies as we age.
Begin to shift from just "seeing" your weight (scale, clothing) to "experiencing" your weight (mental and spiritual state). This is a shift from the "gross" to the "subtle". It is a move from "appearance to experience".
Go within. Feel the gravity. There is a natural tendency for "grave-ity". In The Golden Present Swami Satchidananda says, "There is a natural gravitation that makes it easy to push things down, and hard to lift them up. That pull is there; but we have been given the capacity to face it and rise above it."
In Wizardy 101 Mary Abbamonte says "For some strange, mysterious reason that no one knows-although there have been many theories - it's much easier to tend toward the negative than the positive. The matrix here on earth drags you down into the negative. You must become aware of this force and not feed the negative, or its strength will grow."
Use discipline in both our physical and our mental practices to keep the gravity experience positive. Discipline your eating to restrict your physical force on the Earth. Eat foods directly from the Earth by focusing on a whole foods plant based diet. Discipline your words and thoughts to those that uplift your mental and spiritual state. Embark on a regular practice such as meditation to experience the "higher self".
Let your "Light-ness" shine in the world around you. Share it with others, give it away, assist in removing the darkness with Light.
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