Yesterday ended well, lots of energy, until I sat to read and started falling asleep. I drank a juice alone. It allowed me to connect with something greater than myself.
This is the final day of the fast. A juice this morning, and at lunch. The energy level is staying high, and the focus is amazing! Eating distracts me, and fills the gaps between things that I am doing. Without that distraction, the empty spaces allow me to behave differently. Last night I did not want to be answering emails and doing the "busyness" of life until I dropped into bed. I allowed time for reading, but not on the computer. That was a nice and necessary change.
Tonight I will attend a workshop to facilitate "spring cleaning of the stagnant energy" in the body, mind, spirit - wherever it has stagnated. What a perfect way to wrap up the fast!
Thank you for sharing with me these past few days. My wish is for your journey to be one of health, and constant discovery.
Shanthi (Peace)
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